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I thank God for guiding us to the 4Life opportunity and for allowing us to achieve this goal. I want to thank our mentors, Platinum International Diamonds Miguel Bermúdez Marín and William Soto. They motivated us to become distributors with 4Life, and thanks to them, we understand the importance of building our network.
I am grateful for the support of my wife, Clemencia Moreno. She saw my ability to lead, and she helped me become successful. Together, we are achieving our dreams.
I want to acknowledge the work done by my sponsor, International Diamond Dr. Martha Tapia. Because of her dedication she made it possible for my network to grow and become what it is today.
I want to highlight the dedication of Presidential Diamonds Olmedo Noguera and Elvia Yela, along with all those on our team who have achieved the Diamond rank. I want to thank all of those who helped us achieve the rank of International Diamond. They are a part of our network and are devoted to this business.
The International Networkers Team has trained and assisted us, and the conventions have been essential to our success. Finally, we are grateful for 4Life for sharing this opportunity, giving us the best compensation plan, allowing us to travel, and helping us reach these achievements. I support our team in the municipality Guamuez Valley, Putumayo.
© 2025 4Life Trademarks, LLC, 4Life Research Spain, Sociedad Limitada
4Life Research - Via Augusta, 123 - 08006 Barcelona [España] - Tel. 900 111 904
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