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- Rosario Cappello
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Because of 4Life®, Michelle and I love the work that we do! We have an international team in 56 countries. We’ve traveled to many countries to support our leaders, and we love to be at home, raising our children. We also love the time freedom that this business gives.
I wanted to be in business for myself, so I chose the schedule that’s best for me. I also like the fact that I am my own boss and don’t have to ask for pay raises! I simply look in the mirror and tell myself, “Let’s do it.”
There is no limit to what we can become. We control whom we work with and how we work. It’s the best way of life!
I was with several companies before 4Life and they all either went out of business or the executives didn’t know how to run a company. It makes me feel secure to be with a company that has 20 years of success. That is an important part of my presentation when I meet new prospects who have been in network marketing but have never enjoyed the success we have experienced. We still feel Founders David and Bianca Lisonbee’s commitment to the future of 4Life. Their children and friends are part of the company, and that makes me feel secure about our next 20 years.
© 2025 4Life Trademarks, LLC, 4Life Research Spain, Sociedad Limitada
4Life Research - Via Augusta, 123 - 08006 Barcelona [España] - Tel. 900 111 904
Los productos de 4Life® no tienen el objeto de diagnosticar, tratar, curar ni prevenir ninguna enfermedad.
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